What Are Some Jobs That You Can Do From Home

Want to start — or go along — working from habitation? Hither are xx careers with tons of piece of work-from-dwelling opportunities.


Nosotros're calling it: 2022 is the year of the "pivot."

The coronavirus has forced or, maybe inspired? us to judiciously reconsider everything from where we alive to what nosotros value nearly in our homes . Amid shutdowns and evolving safety guidelines, businesses take swiftly adopted new business organisation models, selling subscription boxes and going virtual to stay continued with customers during These Unprecedented Times. We've too become more thoughtful neighbors and enthusiastic cheerleaders of our local businesses .

How Remote Piece of work Is Changing the Fashion We Live

As we all try to understand and embrace "a new normal," many of usa are pondering a career alter. Millions of Americans have been laid off since the start of the pandemic, thrusting them into chore searches for the beginning time in years. For others, it may be the momentum of change and the quest for self-fulfillment that'due south leading them to consider new options. Besides? Many of us take simply get accepted to working from dwelling and don't want to return to the part.

To help guide those who are job searching amongst a pandemic, and specially looking for jobs they can do from home, our friends at FlexJobs have pinpointed 20 of the most common remote job titles, along with their boilerplate pay. We also reached out to those in co-working spaces to accept a pulse on remote work and larn, from an on-the-ground level, what fields tend to excel in remote piece of work environments.


Which Careers Thrive in Remote Spaces?

With the exception of brick-and-mortar retail, food service, and hands-on careers that require special equipment and materials, just about any field can thrive with employees who are working remotely, says Erin Pottebaum, director of operations with the Iowa City Area Development @ Merge and CoWork @808.

"It really comes downward to an private'due south self-subject field and managers assuasive their team to merely become work done without micromanaging,†Pottebaum says. In fact, employees merely seem happy when they're co-working.

"They tin can come up and go as needed and oftentimes will have a suspension to bring together a book discussion or yoga class, yet always find their way back to their desk – ordinarily with a cup of coffee or tea,†she says.

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Plus, as we rethink what our work lives look like, co-working spaces can help foster connections and community. You can always find someone who knows something well-nigh annihilation, says Pottebaum, who notes that members at her co-working space in Iowa City specialize in fields including technology, food waste matter management, graphic pattern, podcasting and functional medicine.

Connecting to a larger network is particularly important for freelancers and solopreneurs and those who are launching new career endeavors, says Mary Stargel, with Society of Work in Chattanooga, TN.

"I believe that creatives, programmers, developers and designers can especially thrive in a co-working space every bit information technology gives them access to a larger group of like minded individuals that they can discuss career possibilities or job opportunities,†she says.


What Remote Work Jobs Are in Demand?

Prior to COVID-19, remote work was already increasing in popularity. In 2018, 3.half-dozen percent of U.Due south. workers worked remotely at least half the time, and remote work has soared 159 percent since 2005, according to FlexJobs .

And then, COVID happened and suddenly 51 percent of employed Americans began working from home.

The research team spends roughly 100 combined hours every day searching for, screening and posting remote and flexible jobs to its site. The team recently analyzed its database to pinpoint the 20 job titles that nigh oft take remote piece of work options.

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While the career fields on this list accept always been fairly strong in the remote job market, there's been an increment in job listings in areas like client service, medical and health, figurer and It, and teaching, says Brie Reynolds, career evolution manager and coach at FlexJobs.

"Broadly, these industries have all seen shifts since the pandemic began and have required additional professionals to work, largely remotely, to support those changes,†Reynolds says.

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Here are the twenty nearly pop work-from-home task titles in 2020:

1. Accountant

Average salary: $51,208, according to PayScale

You might collaborate with your ain accountant once a year around taxation time. Only accountants are the financial backbone of businesses, preparing, maintaining and interpreting important records. Co-ordinate to projections from the Agency of Labor Statistics (BLS), employment of accountants and auditors will grow faster than the average for all occupations, at a rate of well-nigh 10 percent from 2022 to 2026.

two. Engineer

Boilerplate salary: $85,670, according to PayScale

In general, engineers use science, technology and math to design everything from machines to computer software to equipment. Engineering contains a lot of different specialities, including aerospace, chemical, ceremonious, computer, petroleum, mechanical, software and more.

3. Teacher/Faculty fellow member/Tutor/Instructor

Average bacon: $45,938, according to PayScale

With more education happening online , many teaching jobs tin at present be done remotely, whether information technology'south 1-on-one tutoring to supplement homeschooling or professors lecturing over Zoom to larger classes.

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four. Writer

Boilerplate bacon: $49,804, co-ordinate to PayScale

If y'all're a natural wordsmith, many companies are looking for writers who tin create content, including digital manufactures, marketing copy for their websites, blog posts or technical manuals.

5. Consultant

Average bacon: $87,476, according to PayScale

What's your surface area of expertise? If you have years of experience in fields like education, healthcare, government services, IT, engineering or other fields, y'all may be able to work as a consultant to companies that are looking for areas where they tin improve or problem-solve.

six. Programme Manager

Average salary: $52,044, according to PayScale

A program manager oversees a visitor's tasks and projects and strategically coordinates individual initiatives. Some of their responsibilities might include leading planning meetings, reviewing project plans and coordinating with other departments.

vii. Project Manager

Average bacon: $74,230, co-ordinate to PayScale

Project managers are responsible for guiding a project from start to stop. They proceed tabs on deadlines, budgets and delegate taste and rails results. Several fields including structure, finance, It and healthcare need project managers.

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8. Customer Service Representative

Average salary: $38,807, co-ordinate to PayScale

Every bit e-commerce has skyrocketed amid COVID-19, many companies are in need of client service representatives. In this common WFH job, you assist customers, place orders or reservations and problem solve over the phone, e-mail or chat.

9. Business Development Manager

Average salary: $73,000, according to PayScale

If you're a natural networker and neat communicator, a business development director role might be worth exploring. These managers are tasked with increasing a company's earnings by writing proposals, making sales pitches, and finding and following up on leads.

ten. Account Director/Account Executive

Average bacon: $54,371, co-ordinate to PayScale

Business relationship managers and executives are in charge of maintaining and growing relationships with clients and customers. You'll discover this job championship in many sales jobs, but also advertising and public relations firms hire business relationship executives.

eleven. Recruiter

Boilerplate salary: $l,452, according to PayScale

In this job, you help companies find top-notch, qualified candidates for open roles. Y'all might be in charge of writing the task postings, conducting interviews and helping companies onboard new employees.

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12. Sales Representative

Boilerplate bacon: $49,749, co-ordinate to PayScale

As a sales rep, you lot sell products and services and have a solid understanding of what customers want. Those who excel in this office are often finding new sales leads and make piece of work in a B2B role which requires building relationships for long-term contracts.

13. Web Developer

Average salary: $59,578, co-ordinate to PayScale

Web developers design and create websites. Not merely are they responsible for the look of the site, but too its technical aspects. Didactics requirements for web developers range from high schoolhouse diploma to bachelor's degree, co-ordinate to the U.S. Agency of Labor Statistics, and the chore outlook is potent as this industry is projected to abound by 8 percent between 2022 and 2029.

14. Medical Coder

Boilerplate salary: $42,297, according to PayScale

Different from a medical biller, medical coders read and analyze patient'due south medical charts and categorize diagnoses and procedures by using a national classification arrangement.

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15. Territory Sales Manager

Average salary: $63,903, co-ordinate to PayScale

This is a popular remote job that frequently requires travel in a specific region the manager oversees. Territory sales managers are responsible for developing and maintaining customer relationships, setting and meeting sales goals to increase company's revenue and creating sales strategies.

sixteen. Nurse

Average salary: $64,618, according to PayScale

Telehealth platforms are booming, which has created a need for nurses to visit with patients over the phone, video conferencing, messaging and electronic mail, answering questions and providing advice.

17. Data Analyst

Average salary: $threescore,530, according to PayScale

By collecting data, analyzing it and spotting patterns, information analysts can help companies make decisions. Information analysts piece of work in a broad diverseness of fields, including the healthcare industry, marketing, insurance, with credit bureaus, and at tech firms.

18. Editor

Average salary: $52,422, according to PayScale

Every writer needs an editor. Editors aren't only responsible for identifying grammar and manner errors, but they also are responsible for making sure that articles meet the publication's standards for quality. The telescopic of editor roles has grown and often includes writing headlines, selecting images to go along with content, promoting content on social media and understanding SEO strategies.

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xix. Case Managing director

Average salary: $40,876, according to PayScale

Ofttimes plant in healthcare and legal fields, case managers piece of work to sympathise patient or client needs and help connect them with resources. This might include providing education and guidance or advocating for them.

twenty. UX/UI designer

Average salary: $73,993, according to PayScale

Designers in this growing field focus on how users interact with a production. Whether they are creating apps, websites, or software programs, the goal is to brand their products intuitive for users.


Source: https://livability.com/topics/education-careers-opportunity/20-jobs-that-make-remote-working-easy/

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