All I Do Is Read the Internet

Don't get me wrong: I love the internet. I spend almost of my free time online. And I don't think at that place's necessarily anything wrong with that. I've learned so much from Twitter, tumblr, and youtube, particularly about social justice. Merely while I spend a lot of fourth dimension online that I consider productive (blogging, learning, catching up friends), I also spend way more than time than I'd like in unproductive spirals of bored clicking. At some bespeak–usually while taking Buzzfeed quizzes–I know I'm no longer fifty-fifty enjoying myself and would benefit immensely from just picking upwardly a book instead, just I tin't seem to resist the siren song of the net. I realized I needed to larn how to read more.

Peradventure you have amazing self control and never find yourself in that mess, only just in case, I thought I would share some ways that have worked for me in limiting my internet utilise and maximizing my reading time. That way, I get the benefits of both. The trick is to make reading easier and more appealing than aimlessly surfing the internet, and breaking that cyberspace zombie state. Hither's how to read more, cyberspace less.

Strategy #1: Brand your browser limit your internet time.

I should be able to merely stop watching Youtube videos when they've ceased to add together any joy or entertainment to my life, but I can't, and then I use a Chrome extension for that. In that location are several out at that place, but the i I use is Nanny for Chrome. Essentially, it limits the time you spend on certain websites. For me, I limit my Twitter, tumblr, and Youtube time in a day. You can also customize it to limit certain websites at certain times of the solar day. So, if y'all desire to commit to reading kickoff thing in the morning, you can block your trouble websites for an hour every morning. Nanny for Chrome has a neat selection of customizing the URL it redirects to when your time is upwardly on a website. I get information technology to send me to Habitica, so I'thou instantly reminded of what I'm supposed to be doing.

Cocky control requirement from ane-5: iii.Y'all can get around this if you're determined, but it volition at least deter yous from those websites and remind you of what y'all meant to exercise.

Strategy #2: Always take a book handy–even online.

The archetype advice for reading more is to always take a book with you, simply honestly, I assume most Book Riot readers practise that anyways. To step information technology up a level, I accept found that always having an ebook open on my reckoner actually helps my reading time. What's done the trick for me is having a graphic novel always open up on my computer. When I'm frantically clicking, I'll ordinarily click over to information technology without thinking and finish upward reading at least a few pages. Considering it's a comic, it doesn't feel like the time commitment of picking up a prose book. I can forget I'm reading at all!

Cocky command requirement: 2.You just have to keep the program open and not actively avoid clicking on it.

Strategy #3: Bury your apps.

If you can't delete Twitter, Cacebook, or whatsoever your go-to fourth dimension waster app is off your phone, consider burying it. Put information technology on your concluding page of apps. Put it in a folder. Put that in some other binder. Repeat.

Self command requirement: 3.At that place is some self control required to put in the work to hide those apps, and you can of course notwithstanding access them if you're adamant, but this at least buys y'all time to reconsider.

Strategy #4: Diversify your formats.

I didn't think I would similar reading comics in a digital format–what nigh those beautiful two page spreads?–but they ended upwards serving me quite well in my struggle against internet zombification. Different formats tin work well in particular contexts. Endeavour an audiobook on your way to work, or while folding laundry or grocery shopping. Proceed the audiobook app on the first screen of your phone. Exercise the same thing with an ebook. Even if yous have an ereader or don't think yous would enjoy reading on your telephone, give it a try. Any time you would usually get on Twitter or Facebook for 3 minutes even though you lot merely checked it, read a page or two of that book.

Self control requirement: 2.Fifty-fifty if yous don't use all of those formats, having a variety of books and formats bachelor will brand reading more appealing. Plus, information technology will be a reminder every time y'all option up your phone that reading is also an choice.

Strategy #v: The glutinous bear method.

Reward yourself with candy when you read a paragraph. This is usually used for studying, but it could work with novels, correct?

Self command requirement: iv.You lot have to buy the processed without immediately eating it, lay them out every page, and not go distracted by them while you read. Tricky.

Okay, that last one may not help, simply the first four have done a lot for me, especially the Chrome extension. Everyone's brain works differently, and mine can go completely lost in Mindless Internet Zone, even when I desire to be doing something else. Having something external break the pattern of clicking helps me resurface and actively make a determination nigh what I want to be doing.

Do y'all accept any tricks for how to read more don't require a lot of cocky discipline? I'd love to hear them!


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