how to upload a bubble app to android

Since its beginning in 2012, Bubble has never stopped making its depression-code platform evolve and refining its features, largely thanks to the many feedback the team gathered from the community.

Today, Bubble is a total-stack platform that supports large and complex software projects.

As a Bubble agency, we are ofttimes asked questions on the capabilities of the platform.

The list below describes honestly what y'all can/tin't do with Chimera technology (so far) so you lot can validate if it is the well-nigh suitable platform for your projection needs.

✔️ Build responsive spider web apps

Bubble is 1 of the virtually advanced visual programming environment to build robust spider web apps. Either you want to create a desktop or responsive web application that fits any screen size, you lot can (probably) do it with Bubble.

Typical examples of applications that can be greatly built on Bubble are social networks, software as a service products (SaaS) or marketplaces.

Bubble editor offers a wide flexibility that allows experienced developers to attain pixel-perfect products with circuitous designs and responsive requirements.

✔️ [UPDATE] Build Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

Uber minimalist copycat congenital within a few days

As we introduced the news in our final Medium article, our team accept built an installable web application (PWA) on Bubble platform. Basically, it is a minimalist clone of Uber app, deployed in days with a 100% No-Lawmaking + Code mixture.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) bring native app features through the web and have many benefits:

  • PWAs are hands installable (1-click with Android devices), making it accessible from the domicile screen just like any other application. This is extremely beneficial for start-ups or companies looking to salve on the cost of developing a native mobile application for both Android and iOS. Additionally a membership for the Apple Programmer Plan will not be needed.
  • Transmission app updates and maintenance are a thing in the by with PWAs. Since the applications are served past a web browser, there is no demand to update the application manually through an app store or to actuate a setting to update the awarding automatically.
  • PWAs are small in size compared to their native counterparts. PWAs allow users to seamlessly add them to their home screen, and since the size of the application is minimal, there is no waiting fourth dimension for the user to showtime/keep using a PWA.
  • PWAs are great for SEO and bring more than independence from awarding stores (run a risk of ban, loftier commissions for in-app payments…).

Honestly, unless your project requires deep native features (come across a total list of features available in your current web browser here: ttps://, web apps and PWAs that "feel" native should do the work on nigh cases.

Good to know, it is always possible to transform a web app or PWA into a hybrid application, allowing it to be easily deployed to awarding stores (Android Play Shop and Apple Shop).

At Cube, we have recently introduced a dedicated service to convert any Bubble app into an installable and optimized Progressive Web App inside 72 hours.

Cheque it out:

✔️ Build hybrid mobile apps

To date, Bubble does not offering an out-of-the-box solution for native applications. While this projection seems to exist planned in their long-term roadmap, it is all the same possible to create hybrid mobile apps with Chimera editor by wrapping web applications and publishing to the stores.

Hybrid apps offering a dandy advantage for developers who wish to update their app oft as it is not necessary to resubmit the new version. Additionally, as hybrid mobile apps are powered past web technologies, they can be deployed beyond both Android and Apple stores easier thus reducing evolution time and costs.

Also, hybrid mobile apps provide access to more than permissions and native features than spider web applications and PWAs (such as Contacts, Biometrics & Smart Login…).

There is an splendid plugin to transform optimized web apps into native apps: BDK Native by Gaurav Jain.

✔️ Run custom lawmaking

No-code native capabilities of Bubble platform are impressive. Indeed, Bubble provides a lot of native features to build powerful web applications. But in some cases, visual linguistic communication is not the most adapted way to build a characteristic or achieve a specific activeness. Sometimes, it can be necessary to extend features past creating custom elements and actions on top of Chimera capabilities.

Most of no-lawmaking tools exercise not allow to extend capabilities with traditional lines of code. Bubble stands out on this bespeak: information technology allows developers to run custom code to extend their app when they come up across a limitation.

Thus, developers can create plugins to write and run custom (Javascript) code inside the applications. That said, at that place is pocket-size chance yous hit a difficult limit in your projects. That's why we prefer referring to Bubble as a Low-Code platform, because information technology is possible to add code to enhance your app.

✔️ Connect to external services and hardware through APIs

Sometimes, applications need to collect information from external sources or trigger some actions (for instance fetching social account data, sending a transactional email or reading temperature from a sensor). Chimera platform offers a powerful tool, the API connector, to link applications to external software systems or hardware devices. Technically, you tin nearly connect to everything through APIs, such every bit an AI-powered engine to allocate a massive set of images or decision-making an IoT device.

✔️ Connect to external databases

Past default, awarding data is read and stored on AWS servers. Bubble editor provides a tool, the SQL Database Connector, that allows developers to connect applications to external databases and run SQL queries from within Chimera.

✔️ Calibration the app as the business grows

Scalability is a regular concern. Many founders wonder if Bubble engine will be enough powerful to back up the scale up of their app.

First thing to consider, performance and scaling capabilities are highly impacted by how the app is built and optimized on Chimera editor. Because Bubble is a programming tool like whatsoever other technology, developers demand to follow good practices to ensure decent performances and provide good experience to finish-users. In other words, information technology requires a well designed database model, optimized logic and database queries, and functional user experience.

On the other side, Bubble team is working difficult on scalability and performance improvements and offer various (affordable) hosting plans to suit awarding performance needs. Past default, your Bubble app share the same computing resource with all other Bubble apps (on Hobby and Personal hosting plans). On superior plans, you can have more than capacity (that means that the app can do more actions in a given period when it is necessary).

If needed, Bubble team offers dedicated plans to their clients. In that example, you lot benefit from an infrastructure, always running on AWS server, only isolated from other Bubble apps that atomic number 82 to increased reliability and scalability.

Bubble is an affordable solution to start a software project with limited calculating needs. When it becomes necessary, it is easy to scale the infrastructure of your app, for a fair price.

✔️ Manage information access and privacy

Bubble is an extremely open-ended platform compared to other no-code tools. That said, there are endless ways to develop an application on Bubble, sometimes with bad habits. By default, all data is open to the public when you create a Bubble app. However, Bubble editor offers some tools to configure data access in your app. Indeed, privacy rules gives the ability to protect data and make certain it is safe.

❌ Build native apps

Chimera platform does not provide a specific engine so far to build and deploy native apps on application stores. Whereas this is something that should be implemented in a mid/long-term, it is still possible to build mobile PWA or deploy hybrid mobile apps on stores with some techniques and piece of work arounds (see above).

❌ Host an app on a private or on-premise server

Bubble provides the hosting for their customers on Amazon Spider web Services (AWS) cloud servers or dedicated instances. Currently, it is not possible to self host a Bubble app on a private hosting service or on-premise server.

That said, Deject calculating is becoming the norm and AWS is recognized as the leading cloud provider (>50% market share), in terms of functioning and security.

❌ Execute other languages than Javascript

It is true that Chimera developers can extend features of an application with custom code. But only Javascript language is supported.

The core engine of Bubble is written in Javascript language. To date, developers will only be able to utilize Javascript to build custom integrations on meridian of Chimera.

❌ Develop complex algorithms

Chimera's visual language is not the nearly appropriate tool to develop complex algorithms especially recursive or looping operations on data. Every bit a improve option, developers can employ or write custom algorithms outside Chimera (hosted on Amazon Lambda for example) and use them by passing the data through an API (for instance a machine-learning algorithm).

❌ Create (advanced) video games

Don't wait to create and run complex 3D or platform games with Bubble engine… even though some smart Bubble users take managed to create little games that are worth the effort such as The Legend of Zeldinia by J805 or Pizza Mania past Landowski.

❌ Export code

Bubble apps tin can but be run on the Bubble platform. This proprietary model is justified by Bubble'south concern model. Thus, you lot can non export an application equally lawmaking. If y'all decide to move abroad from Bubble platform, you'll have to rebuild the (no-code) application logic. You will but be able to consign the application data and the custom code you added on summit of Bubble.

Question to think about is: why would you lot need to move off Bubble?

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